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What is the situation of recycling and processing of used household appliances abroad?

Article published:2024-03-18

What is the situation of recycling and processing of used household appliances abroad?

Compared with the prosperity of e-waste recycling theory in my country, developed countries (regions) such as European countries, the United States and Japan have formed relatively complete laws, regulations and corresponding supporting measures in the practice of e-waste recycling. EU member states generally establish a joint mechanism for manufacturers and consumers to cooperate in the recycling and processing of electronic waste, such as the application of household appliance shredders. Among them, the "Waste Disposal Law" clarifies the responsibilities of producers for the recycling and processing of waste electronic and electrical products, and establishes the electronic waste recycling and processing system in the municipal system and manufacturers. on an alliance basis. Dutch localities have the responsibility to provide e-waste sorting and recycling points, but this is not only a responsibility. Manufacturers and relevant industry associations need to cooperate to complete the recycling of e-waste. In the United States, companies engaged in electronic waste recycling and processing mainly include five major types of companies: specialized companies, non-ferrous metal refineries, municipal solid waste treatment companies, and dealers, which are linked together to form a relatively complete industrial chain. However, the recycling of used household appliances and electronic waste in the United States is utilitarian, especially the processing of non-metallic materials such as plastics through crushing, landfilling, energy recovery, etc., and the recycling efficiency is low. In Asia, Japan's e-waste recycling and processing level is lower than that of other Asian countries. The e-waste recycling and processing levels of South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and other regions are behind Japan and have certain recycling and processing capabilities.

What is the situation of recycling and processing of used household appliances abroad?

Economically developed countries and regions have prioritized the establishment of electronic waste recycling and processing systems, which have been tested and gradually improved. Although our country's comprehensive national strength and economic strength have been at the forefront, the establishment of a recycling and processing system for electronic waste, especially used household appliances, is far behind that of some countries and regions). my country's electronic waste recycling and processing has not been completely smooth in theory. Transitioning to practice, on the one hand, this is related to the vast territory of our country and the uneven development levels of various regions. On the other hand, it is also closely related to the practicality of relevant theoretical research in our country and the limited national attention. The recycling of used household appliances is incomplete and small workshops dismantle them privately. There is no standardization of e-waste recycling channels, and e-waste dismantling and processing companies have no money to eat. The serious disconnect between consumers and recyclers, and recyclers and processors makes it difficult to truly establish an e-waste recycling and processing system in my country.

What are the main components of waste compression refrigerators? 
Can they be processed with a household appliance shredder?

The refrigeration system of a compression refrigerator consists of four parts: compressor, refrigerator, evaporator (heat exchanger) and capillary tube. Some refrigerators also have additional parts such as liquid accumulation pipes and dryers. The home appliance shredder uses the working principle of mutual shearing, tearing, and squeezing between knives to process materials. According to different material characteristics and production capacity requirements, the corresponding knives and knife body arrangements are configured to effectively improve production efficiency. This equipment adopts a "dual motor + double reducer" design, which has the characteristics of large shearing force, good shredding effect, low noise, and good stability. It is suitable for crushing old refrigerators and is good at crushing soft and hard materials. Effect. The entire system is connected by pipelines, and the pipelines are filled with refrigerant (Freon) to form a sealed circulation pipeline system. Compressor The compressor is the heart of the refrigerator refrigeration system and is the driving force for the refrigerant to circulate in the refrigeration system. It is also a mechanical operating part in the refrigerator. Its function is to absorb the low-temperature and low-pressure gas refrigerant that has evaporated in the evaporator, then compress it into high-temperature and high-pressure gas refrigerant, and discharge it into the condenser for cooling. Depending on the size of the refrigerator, different types of compressors can be used. For example, larger refrigerators use connecting rod compressors, smaller refrigerators use sliding tube compressors, and smaller refrigerators use electromagnetic oscillation compressors. machine. Currently, sliding tube compressors are commonly used in refrigerators on the market. The entire compressor unit is enclosed by an outer cover. The cover is stamped into upper and lower parts from a 3~4 mm thick iron plate and then welded together.

The motor and compressor are housed in a closed casing. The compressor consists of a base, a crankshaft, a sliding tube (including a sliding block), a cylinder valve (including an intake valve and an exhaust valve), and a piston integrated with the sliding tube. Condenser The condenser, also known as the radiator, is one of the main heat exchange devices in the refrigerator refrigeration system. The high-pressure and high-temperature gaseous refrigerant compressed in the condenser condenses into high-pressure and normal-temperature liquid refrigerant after dissipating heat to the air. The condensers of refrigerators are all air-cooled. They are generally cooled by natural convection and are placed at the rear of the box. The condensing area of the condenser is also determined by the cooling capacity of the refrigerator. Therefore, for different volumes and markets, Refrigerators with different cooling capacities have different condenser sizes. Common condensers include louver condensers, steel wire condensers, built-in condensers, fin coil condensers, etc.