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How to define waste household appliances and what equipment can be used to dispose of them?

Article published:2024-03-19

How to define waste household appliances and what equipment can be used to dispose of them?

Waste household appliances include scrap household appliances and old household appliances. Waste household appliances refer to household appliances that have lost their functions and performance standards; old household appliances refer to those that have not been repaired or have been repaired under economically reasonable conditions, and have been tested to meet the safety standards and performance standards of old household appliances, and can be continued to be sold and used as second-hand goods. Home appliances. Waste household appliances contain a large number of toxic, harmful and dangerous substances, mainly including lead, pavement, soft steel, aluminum, Australian flame retardants, Freon, PVC plastics, etc. Several major harmful substances in waste household appliances and their hazards. In addition, household appliances naturally contain other heavy metals and halogen chemicals, such as cast iron, silver, copper, zinc, etc. The management of e-waste in our country has gone from having no basis for compliance to the current "swarm" of numerous regulations, which not only reflects the country's emphasis on e-waste recycling, but also exposes the imperfection of the management system. For example, the government has multiple branches and is difficult to coordinate; the responsibilities of relevant parties are not clear, and supporting measures such as specific recovery targets, special funds, and qualification certification are mostly principled and guiding regulations with poor operability.

How to define waste household appliances and what equipment can be used to dispose of them?

If used household appliances are discarded at will or disposed of improperly, they will become "environmental killers" that harm the human living environment, polluting soil, water sources, air, animals and plants, and causing serious harm to human health and even life safety. Among the thousands of chemical raw materials used to produce a household appliance, about several hundred are substances that are highly toxic to the human body and destructive to the environment. After household appliances are discarded, if these materials are not properly disposed of, they will be extremely harmful to the environment. The DS series double-shaft home appliance shredder is one of the mainstream crushing equipment with high production efficiency of solid waste crushing by [Kowloon Machinery Technology]. It is mostly used in the process of crushing various home appliances. The equipment uses blades made of imported wear-resistant materials, which can ensure high energy, low consumption, stability and reliability, achieve high-power crushing processing capabilities and meet the high reliability of long-term continuous operation. The equipment adopts low-speed, high-torque design and has the characteristics of large crushing force, high output, low noise and good stability. It is often used in environmental protection fields such as MSW (municipal domestic waste) disposal, bulky waste crushing and volume reduction, resource recycling, waste incineration pretreatment, and landfills.

How to define waste household appliances and what equipment can be used to dispose of them?

Collection, reuse and recycling of used household appliances

At present, the collection (recycling) model of used household appliances and their dismantled products in my country is based on mobile recycling by individual traders, with a small amount collected through door-to-door recycling, scrap collection stations, "old for new" and community recycling points. Due to the lack of specialized management, most recycled products flow to the second-hand market, rural and backward areas, and small waste household appliances and their dismantled products processing companies. However, formal manufacturers of waste household appliances and their dismantled materials cannot obtain sufficient raw materials, making it difficult to generate economies of scale. The reuse (reuse) of waste household appliances and their dismantled products can extend the service life of the product. Parts that are difficult to disassemble can also be processed with a household appliance shredder, which is also the main form of recycling of waste household appliances and their dismantled products in my country. Although the reuse process causes less environmental pollution, due to the short service life of reused electronic products, they will quickly become waste in areas such as rural areas where collection and processing are difficult, causing greater harm. At the same time, the second-hand product market is also flooded with the phenomenon of passing off old products as new ones or substandard products, which poses serious safety risks.

Briefly describe the collection, reuse and recycling of waste household appliances

At present, the national standard for second-hand home appliances "Second-hand (IB) Electronic and Appliance Quality Technical Requirements" has entered the review stage and will be released soon, which will effectively regulate the second-hand market of electronic products in my country. Driven by the interests of valuable resources of used household appliances and their dismantled products, enterprises for the recycling and processing of used household appliances and their dismantled products have risen rapidly. At present, domestic waste household appliances and their dismantled materials recycling and processing enterprises mainly fall into two types based on the source of raw materials. The first is the recycling and processing of imported waste household appliances and their dismantled products. As of 2021, a total of 593 dismantling and recycling companies mainly importing scrap motors, scrap wires and cables, and scrap hardware and electrical appliances (customs import catalog: Category 7 waste) have been registered. It is mainly distributed in the eastern coastal area, and has formed three regional recycling processes in Tianjin, Zhejiang and Guangdong. In Guiyu, Taizhou and other places, they mainly recycle and process illegally imported waste household appliances and their dismantled products. Due to the widespread use of primitive treatment processes, toxic heavy metals (such as Pb, Cr, Cd, etc.) and persistent organic pollutants have caused serious harm to local atmosphere, water bodies, soil, sediments and other environmental media as well as human health.

What are the main sources of waste household appliances in my country, and what are the usual methods of disposal?

Our country is facing dual pressures from waste household appliances and their dismantled products. On the one hand, domestic waste household appliances are growing rapidly. Domestic sources of waste household appliances and their dismantled materials mainly come from three aspects, namely, waste household appliances and their accessories generated in residents’ daily lives, electronic waste mainly generated by computers and their peripherals, and electronic waste generated by enterprises, institutions and departments. The waste products produced by electrical product manufacturers during the production process. If these waste household appliances are not shredded using processing equipment such as household appliance shredders, they will occupy cultivated land at least, and pollute the environment at worst. The general method adopted is to dismantle and subdivide waste household appliances through manual disassembly, which can be divided into wood, metal (mainly mattress springs), sponge, fabric and leather. For leather and fabric that cannot be recycled It is usually crushed and then incinerated. Wood and sponges can be packaged and shipped out for sale, while metals are sent directly to scrap steel processing plants for sale. The disadvantages of this method are high labor costs and low disassembly efficiency. The advantages are relatively clean disassembly and high resource utilization. The other is to use a household appliance shredder to crush all materials uniformly, then separate the metals through magnetic separation, and the remaining materials are all shipped out for incineration. The advantages of this method are obvious capacity reduction and volume reduction effects, fast processing speed, and high efficiency. The disadvantage is low resource utilization.

What are the main sources of waste household appliances in my country, and what are the usual methods of disposal?

Illegal import of foreign used household appliances and their dismantled products. According to surveys, most of the "foreign garbage" flows into Taizhou, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other regions, and Guiyu Town, Guangdong Province is the place where used household appliances and their dismantled materials flow into. At present, the problem of "foreign garbage" has spread to Shandong, Hebei and other places. Although my country has banned the import of electronic waste such as used household appliances, due to the low cost of raw materials for used household appliances and their dismantled products, the low cost of labor in my country and the high price of dismantled products, there are still many Enterprises import large amounts of electronic and electrical waste through illegal channels. According to statistics, more than 5 tons of electronic waste are generated every year, and more than 70% of it is transferred to China. In Guiyu and Shantou alone, there are 30,000 to 40,000 people engaged in the processing of used household appliances and their dismantled products. The annual processing volume Up to 1 million tons.